Andy Blackston Quotes (12 Quotes)

    She is a great person and a natural leader. She cares about this team and helped us win a lot of games this year.

    Right now it's a great feeling because our team chemistry is great. It is a selfless team and everybody is open and ready to learn.

    I knew that (Haynes) was going up against some players with some nice stats and their teams finished higher than ours. It's just a matter of opinion after that. I really wanted her to get that award since our team didn't get to Nashville, but to be selected to the first team is an honor.

    It was really surprising that she did it. But I think she said it out of frustration and I think her track record shows that she's a really good kid.

    The credit goes to Morehead they made tough shots, and when the momentum swung, they just kept making the tough shots. They shot 66 percent in the second half, and that will eclipse a lead. The type of shots they made, they deserved to win the game tonight.

    They have a big-time player in Alex Munday. She is precise and efficient. We are going to have our hands full.

    We have to have three people bring their 'A' game to be successful. When we've had at least three people have great nights on the same night, regardless of who it is, we have played pretty good basketball.

    Our kids, all of them, made the plays that it took to win, and this is a big mental win for us. Now they know they can beat a good team. We need to take a lot of confidence from this. We need to build on this.

    This means the world to me professionally and personally because these kids have just done an outstanding job. I was telling them in the locker room after this that they are a true team. ... There is no drama. There are no feuds.

    When you have Bacon and Hale combining for 16 and 13 (points), that opens it up. ... I think the thing that was so encouraging was when we had to have the play to control the game, we made the play.

    I am excited because it's tough when you are on the outside looking in. Going down to Nashville to watch (the semifinals last year) was a tough thing, but it was humbling and forced me to work harder.

    We were so ready to play and had great energy and a great push there in the first half. One of the things we talked about at halftime was the game was 0-0, and that was the type of mentality we had to have going out into the second half.

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