Frank Beamer Quotes (124 Quotes)

    Ore had some good runs. He put the ball on the ground one time, but I thought he showed some quickness through the hole. And I thought George Bell showed some good ability, too.

    I don't think it was a fluke. They really took it to Pittsburgh. I mean Byrum's had three sensational plays in two games.

    It's just different. You try to prepare for it here on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and it's a challenge for your offense. We haven't scored an offensive touchdown in two years. Part of that's them, part of that's us.

    We're not saying 'starting quarterback' right now. There's some competition to be done. But certainly Sean's No. 1 right now.

    The line is coming along. Orion Martin gives us a fourth defensive end, and we really like him. I think that's a key for us. If we've got eight (defensive linemen) and can rotate four at a time, and stay fresh, we can get after it.

    If I could go back and change about five plays and make them go our way, we'd probably be happy campers right now. We weren't that far off.

    Bud's defense played great. Getting a field goal returned and scoring three times, that's pretty special.

    We had a streak . . . it's not all Florida. We had a lot of soft commitments going on. I thought they were just making a reservation with us and going to look at some other schools. I didn't think that was the way to do it.

    When you know who it is, you kind of want to protect him. For getting a feel for who the guy is overall, how he is going to respond to pressure, we have to let him go live. The guy who has poise, a calmness about him when things get tight . . . that certainly is a key, key issue for us right now and we need to get as many answers as we can.

    We're fine. That game was no indication of the two teams. The (five Maryland) turnovers just got it different than what it really was. I think both of us understand that. I know they're going to be very determined to come back and get us.

    You can look at the history and there have been some great games, some great players, but I don't think that has anything to do with what happens Saturday night. It's just get your helmet on tight and let's go.

    I think we've got to help him out some, sometimes with formations and sometimes with backs, ... Whether it's Duane or someone else, you've got to give them some help.

    I'd much rather play in a stadium that's jumping, that's moving. If you've got a lot of empty seats and no one's moving, I find that's when you have a hard time playing.

    It's the first time through for him, and he's a little bit unsure of some things, and I think you can see that a little bit on video. When we recruited him, I thought he was going to be a great player, and now that we've had him for three weeks, three and a half weeks, I know he's going to be a great player.

    Duane Brown, who was converted from tight end Aug. 18, has won the starting right offensive tackle job. The sophomore's task in his first college start will be trying to handle N. C. State's All-ACC end Mario Williams. Looking at those guys Williams and Manny Lawson coming off that edge, you've got to have a really good athlete at offensive tackle, ... Duane Brown has got great feet for a kid his size. I think he's got the athletic ability to do it, but does he have enough experience to do it We'll see.

    The stats aren't very good, but I thought the way our quarterbacks played, you feel good because each of those three made some really good plays.

    He's not just a big back. He's a big back who has that breakaway ability. He's really quick and a great athlete.

    This is our last opportunity to show we're a good football team. I believe this is one of the best football teams Virginia Tech has ever had. Getting to 11 wins would be something--and so would finishing in the top 10.

    I wouldn't say there's no chance ... I would want him to make that decision, and I'd want him to feel great about playing.

    More years than not we've played better than we were. Last year, I'd be the first one to admit, we had a better team than our record.

    I think it's a credit to our defense to be able to stop them after turnovers on our side of the 50-yard line. Turnovers on the 1-yard line are also hard to overcome. That's not us.

    What gets in the way sometimes is if you're talking about the expectations all the time, then you can't reach them like what happened to us two years ago when we got two losses and now we weren't going to win the Big East, we weren't going to a BCS bowl. I think that's where you've got to be careful.

    I know a lot about Mike. I know what kind of guy he is. With our quarterback situation, you need someone to bring guys along. Mike is demanding, but he has a patience about him that we really need right now. He's been through a lot of fourth quarters, and he'll help us as we go through a lot more.

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