Poems about awm (21 Poems)

Tother Day (John Hartley Poems)

As awm sittin enjoyin mi pipe, An tooastin mi shins beside th' hob,Aw find ther's a harvest quite ripe, O' thowts stoored ...

Their Fred (John Hartley Poems)

"He's a nowt! If ther's owtAt a child shouldn't do, He mun try, Or know why,Befoor th' day's getten throo. An his dad, Ov his ...

Is It Reight? (John Hartley Poems)

Awm noa radical, liberal nor toory, Awm a plain spokken, hard-workin man;Aw cooart nawther fame, wealth nor glory, But try to do ...

Nooan So Bad (John Hartley Poems)

This world is net a paradise, Tho' railly aw dooant see,What fowk should growl soa mich abaat;-- Its gooid enuff for me.It's ...

My Doctrine (John Hartley Poems)

Aw wodn't care to live at all, Unless aw could be jolly!Let sanctimonious skinflints call All recreation folly.Aw still believe this world ...

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