Poems about booath (21 Poems)

Awr Dooad (John Hartley Poems)

Her ladyship's getten a babby,-- An they're makkin a famous to do,--They say,--Providence treated her shabby-- Shoo wor fairly entitled to two.But ...

Dick an Me (John Hartley Poems)

Two old fogies,--Dick an me,--Old, an grey as grey can be.A'a,-but monny a jolly spree We have had;--An tha ne'er went ...

A Wife (John Hartley Poems)

Wod yo leead a happy life? Aw can show yo ha,--Get a true an lovin wife,-- (Yo may have one nah.)If yo ...

To Mally (John Hartley Poems)

Its long sin th' parson made us one, An yet it seems to me,As we've gooan thrustin, toilin on, Time's made noa ...

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