Poems about misen (21 Poems)

Help Thisen (John Hartley Poems)

"Come, help thisen, lad,--help thisen!" Wor what mi uncle sed.We'd just come in throo makkin hay, To get some cheese an breead.An ...

A Pointer (John Hartley Poems)

Just listen to mi stooary lads, It's one will mak yo grieve;It's full ov sich strange incidents; Yo hardly can believe.That lass ...

Tother Day (John Hartley Poems)

As awm sittin enjoyin mi pipe, An tooastin mi shins beside th' hob,Aw find ther's a harvest quite ripe, O' thowts stoored ...

Lost Love (John Hartley Poems)

Shoo wor a bonny, bonny lass, Her e'en as black as sloas;Her hair a flyin thunner claad, Her cheeks a blowin rooas.Her ...

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