Poems about noä (21 Poems)

Ike’s Song (John Hartley Poems)

Let us have a jolly spree, An' wi' joy an' harmonie, Let the merry moments flee,   For mi love's come back. O, the days ...

Prime October (John Hartley Poems)

Ther's some fowk like watter, An others like beer;It doesn't mich matter, If ther heead is kept clear.But to guzzle an swill, As ...

Nooan So Bad (John Hartley Poems)

This world is net a paradise, Tho' railly aw dooant see,What fowk should growl soa mich abaat;-- Its gooid enuff for me.It's ...

A Bad Sooart (John Hartley Poems)

Aw'd rayther face a redwut brick,Sent flyin at mi heead;Aw'd rayther track a madman's steps,Whearivver they may leead;Aw'd rayther ventur ...

Work Lads! (John Hartley Poems)

Work if tha can, it's thi duty to labor; If able, show willin,--ther's plenty to do,Ther's battles to feight withaat musket ...

My Polly (John Hartley Poems)

My Polly's varry bonny, Her een are black an breet;They shine under her raven locks, Like stars i'th' dark o'th' neet.Her little ...

Dad’s Lad (John Hartley Poems)

Little patt'rin, clatt'rin feet,Runnin raand throo morn to neet;Banishin mi mornin's nap,--Little bonny, noisy chap,--But aw can't find fault yo ...

Words Ov Kindness (John Hartley Poems)

'Tis strange 'at fowk will be sich fooils To mak life net worth livin',Fermentin' rows, creatin' mooils, Detractin' an' deceivin'.To fratch an' ...

To Mally (John Hartley Poems)

Its long sin th' parson made us one, An yet it seems to me,As we've gooan thrustin, toilin on, Time's made noa ...

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