Poems about yor (21 Poems)

My Lass (John Hartley Poems)

Fairest lass amang the monny, Hair as black as raven, O.Net another lass as bonny, Lives i'th' dales ov Craven, O.City lasses ...

My Doctrine (John Hartley Poems)

Aw wodn't care to live at all, Unless aw could be jolly!Let sanctimonious skinflints call All recreation folly.Aw still believe this world ...

Work Lads! (John Hartley Poems)

Work if tha can, it's thi duty to labor; If able, show willin,--ther's plenty to do,Ther's battles to feight withaat musket ...

My Polly (John Hartley Poems)

My Polly's varry bonny, Her een are black an breet;They shine under her raven locks, Like stars i'th' dark o'th' neet.Her little ...

Grace (John Hartley Poems)

God bless ivery one raand yor table Wi' plenty to ait an' to spare; God bless yo an' mak yo all able To ...

A Bit Of A Sing (Edwin Waugh Poems)

Bill o' Sheepsheawter's;Robin o'th DreeRondle o' Scouter'sTwilter, an' me;We made Mally Grime'sOwd kitchen roof ring,One merry yule-time,When met for to ...

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