Henry James Pye Poems on Fairness (16 Poems)

Beauty. Part I. (Henry James Pye Poems)

A POETICAL ESSAY.  The various powers by Nature's hand combin'd  To fill with harmony the raptur'd mind;  Whose forms, as diff'rent lustre they ...

Ode To Beauty (Henry James Pye Poems)

I.  Enchanting power! whose influence blest  O'er Nature reigns with pleasing sway,  Whose mild command each gentler breast  Enraptur'd glories to obey:  O give my ...

Elegy I (Henry James Pye Poems)

O Happiness! thou wish of every mind,  Whose form, more subtle than the fleeting air,  Leaves all thy votaries wandering far behind,  Eludes ...

Elegy V (Henry James Pye Poems)

Thee, sad Melpomene, I once again  Invoke, nor ask the idly plaintive verse:  Quit the light reed for sorrow's sober strain,  And hang ...

Elegy VI (Henry James Pye Poems)

Now has bright Sol fulfill'd his circling course,  Again to Taurus roll'd his burning car,  Since, cruel Prudence, thy resistless force  Tore me ...

The Vine (Henry James Pye Poems)

Like clustering tents upon the embattled mead, See Vitis thick her small pavilions spread. Beneath each silken veil, with studious care Five amorous ...

The Snow-Drop (Henry James Pye Poems)

Hail earliest of the opening flowers!  Fair Harbinger of vernal hours!  Who dar'st unveil each silken fold  Ere Sol dispels the wintry cold,  And ...

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