Isaac Watts Poems on Money & Wealth (24 Poems)

Psalm 73 (Isaac Watts Poems)

v.22,3,6,17-20 L. M. The prosperity of sinners cursed. Lord, what a thoughtless wretch was I, To mourn, and murmur, and ...

Psalm 97 (Isaac Watts Poems)

v.1,3,5-7,11 C. M. Christ's incarnation, and the last judgment. Ye islands of the northern sea, Rejoice, the Savior reigns; His ...

Psalm 123 (Isaac Watts Poems)

Pleading with submission. O thou whose grace and justice reign Enthroned above the skies, To thee our hearts would tell ...

Hymn 146 (Isaac Watts Poems)

Characters of Christ; borrowed from inanimate things in Scripture. Go, worship at Immanuel's feet, See in his face what wonders ...

Psalm 45 (Isaac Watts Poems)

The glory of Christ. My Savior and my King, Thy beauties are divine; Thy lips with blessings overflow, And every ...

Hymn 41 (Isaac Watts Poems)

The same; or, The martyrs glorified. Rev. 7:13ff. "These glorious minds, how bright they shine! Whence all their white array? ...

Psalm 49 (Isaac Watts Poems)

The rich sinner's death, and the saint's resurrection. Why do the proud insult the poor, And boast the large estates ...

Hymn 63 (Isaac Watts Poems)

Christ's humiliation and exaltation. Rev. 5:12. What equal honors shall we bring To thee, O Lord our God, the Lamb, ...

Hymn 7 (Isaac Watts Poems)

The invitation of the gospel. Isa. 55:1,2,etc. Let every mortal ear attend, And every heart rejoice; The trumpet of the ...

Psalm 67 (Isaac Watts Poems)

The nation's prosperity, and the church's increase. Shine, mighty God, on Britain shine, With beams of heav'nly grace; Reveal thy ...

Hymn 74 (Isaac Watts Poems)

The church the garden of Christ. SS 4:12-15; 5:1. We are a garden walled around, Chosen and made peculiar ground; ...

Hymn 9 (Isaac Watts Poems)

The promises of the covenant of grace. Isa. 55:1,2; Zech. 13:1; Mic. 7:19; Ezek. 36:25, etc. In vain we lavish ...

Psalm 101 (Isaac Watts Poems)

The magistrate's Psalm. Mercy and judgment are my song; And since they both to thee belong, My gracious God, my ...

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