John Hartley Poems on Pleasure (19 Poems)

A Wife (John Hartley Poems)

Wod yo leead a happy life? Aw can show yo ha,--Get a true an lovin wife,-- (Yo may have one nah.)If yo ...

Nettie (John Hartley Poems)

Nettie, Nettie! oh, she's pretty! With her wreath of golden curls;None compare with charming Nettie, She's the prettiest of girls.Not her face ...

Be Happy (John Hartley Poems)

Some fowk ivverlastinly grummel, At th' world an at th' fowk ther is in it;If across owt 'at's pleasant they stummel, They ...

My Doctrine (John Hartley Poems)

Aw wodn't care to live at all, Unless aw could be jolly!Let sanctimonious skinflints call All recreation folly.Aw still believe this world ...

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