Aaron Brooks Quotes (39 Quotes)

    In the back of our minds, we know we have to give them one tiny bit of hope.

    That's the difference in every ball game. We didn't do that today.

    I couldn't make the throws I wanted to. I guess I'm not as Gumby as I thought I was.

    I hope not. We're going to come back strong. We have to look forward to the next game. ... Hopefully we'll finally be settled into our routine there in San Antonio. That will help out a lot.

    We couldn't believe that this was going on where we live. It's weighing heavily on our hearts and minds right now.

    Any time they've got No. 4 on their football team, anything can happen. They could have an eight-game winning streak from here on out, so I'm not really too concerned about that. I'm only concerned about us as a football team going up there and trying to get a victory.

    The traveling has taken a toll on us. Sunday we felt great because we didn't travel.

    The team camaraderie we built, guys knowing their roles and not expecting too much from themselves, has helped. Guys are not getting ahead of themselves and they're understanding what's expected of them at every position. It's made everybody's job easier. That's what's made us a better football team.

    The Civil War is a big game. Regardless of the records going into the game, it's definitely going to be a dogfight.

    We're definitely giving away games. (It) definitely is a matter of finishing, but we've got to not put ourselves in the situation.

    Jammal has a lot to learn, but he played very well against Julius Peppers.

    Unfortunately, it's our new home, temporarily, ... We're going to have to accept that and be as comfortable as possible and get into a normal schedule for the regular season.

    That was a great rebound. His basketball IQ is great. That was one where we knew we had the game.

    We would like to get as close to our fans as possible, because that's our 12th man on the field. The more we can do that, the better we feel we have a chance of winning, because the crowd can play a huge role. We don't want to have to feel that we play on the road every Sunday, but that is a possibility.

    I'm getting there. I'm getting comfortable, ... Once I know the blitzes are coming before they even happen, then watch out.

    Try not to patronize us next time, ... and fly us out to New York and say it's a home game.

    I wouldn't say we're at end-of-season form, ... But we're pretty close. The good thing right now is we got the season started on a positive note with everything happening around us us relocating and evacuees scattered across the country. Emotionally, we were able to hang in there and not let our feelings get the best of us. We played smart.

    It's not a home game when you have to travel four hours,

    Traveling out here was uncalled for. Try not to patronize us next time by having us travel out here and tell us it was a home game. But those were the circumstances, and we lost.

    The two games we won, we played mistake-free football,

    Whether that was the changing point of the game, hey, we had time to go back down and answer and we didn't. I can't say enough about their guys. They came out and wanted it. They wanted it real bad.

    It started as a conversation, a couple of guys over at the house. It started as a conversation, but then it got kind of heated, and we called everybody over and we had a meeting about it.

    Try not to patronise us the next time we come to New York for a home game, but those were the circumstances.

    Traveling here was uncalled for. Try not to patronize us by making us go to New York and say we were playing a home game. But those were the circumstances. We played hard, and we lost.

    It has to be Champ Bailey. His ball skills are outstanding. He can break on the ball. He can re-direct a route. His recovery speed is great. He's pure. He's the closest thing to Deion (Sanders) we've probably seen. There aren't a lot of corners you say that you're not going to go after. I'm going to try all of them. But he's the best, and the one you should worry about the most. When we played him last year, he made some hellacious plays. I threw one ball that looked like it was going to be over his head and he made a great play on it and tiptoed the sideline. He's an awesome corner.

    Just about everywhere we go a hurricane hits. You just can't believe it. ... It's like a black cloud. We may not be able to play in Baton Rouge if it hits like that.

    605 p.m. The New Orleans Saints beat the Carolina Panthers for their deluged city and the displaced victims of the Gulf Coast region, getting two touchdowns from Deuce McAllister and a 47-yard field goal from John Carney with 3 seconds left in a 23-20 season-opening win. In the back of our minds, we know we have to give them one tiny bit of hope, ... We have complete faith in what we are doing because every time we go out there, it is our job to give them hope that every day will be a better day.

    As a football team, we're not looking for any handouts. We'll band together as a team. We want to go out there and shed a lot of blood, sweat and tears. We want to make our people proud of us. We feel like that is our civic duty.

    I'm dealing with it the best way I can. But at the same time, I still find myself thinking it's nerve-wracking and it ain't all it's cracked up to be. But I guess the first week is probably the hardest week, just like any other job. Then it gets better.

    Ray Lewis, Ed Reed you look at what they accomplished last year and it's a great opportunity for us. I'm just looking forward to going out there against those guys.

    It could go on and on like this, we have to take this one week at a time. At some point, it is going to wear down on us. We've got to be strong enough and mature enough to handle this situation and accept the responsibilities given to us.

    I had my house phone always forwarding to my cell phone, anyway, ... I thought Eliminate the middle man, which is my house phone.

    Some of the families weren't able to make it out because a lot of airlines cancelled flights. Families had to pack up in cars and head westbound and northbound.

    Try not to patronize us next time, traveling us to New York, saying we're playing a home game.

    Actually Malik (Hairston) called the meeting. It started as a conversation, then it got kind of heated, so they called everybody over. We just questioned everybody's heart.

    It was way overdone. Setting up a stage, traveling out here, was uncalled for. ... Try not to patronize us next time.

    It did mean something to me, ... Talk is talk, but when talk is official, that's when you get that feeling. You say, 'OK, yeah, I got this job. Now I've got to perform. Now I'm the guy.'

    I doubt very seriously I will be a New Orleans Saint again, so I can look forward to moving on.

    From the time we stepped out of the locker room going out there to warm up, they really were into it. They were excited about us being here and they embraced us. We thank them for it.

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