Abbie Letz Quotes (14 Quotes)

    If they had told us we could go out and play 40 more minutes as soon as the game ended, I know we'd all take it. We want a chance to fix it. All we can do now is work hard against BYU.

    We thought we'd be fine as long as we kept them in front of us, but they just kept hitting shot after shot. They had a great night, and we came up short.

    We want to win the rest of our games and go into the conference tournament with a good seeding, so we are really aware of all the mistakes we've been making. We know that when we move without the ball and make the extra pass, we score. And we know when we score a lot, we're tough to beat because we're a pretty good defensive team.

    It's completely different from when I first got here, but we've got a different type of team now. People on this team get so focused on trying to remember what spot they're supposed to go to in triangle, the offense breaks down. With motion, we just all kind of go with the flow.

    We're more confident and believe we can win every game we play. A rematch sounds really good right now.

    It's very disappointing, but it's something that happens. It happened to us today. Yeah, it hurts. It's going to hurt for the rest of the day. We know tomorrow's a new day. We've got to keep our heads up and hope the NCAA realizes what we did in the pre-conference schedule and in the conference and picks us.

    Julie playing the way she did today. We could use more of that.

    They're really good, but we know we can beat them. We just have to prove it.

    We came out so fired up against them because we're determined not to lose anymore. I think we played great defense especially in the low post. Colorado State's got the best post players in the conference, and we shut them down.

    Sometimes we just stop running the offense and have a hard time shooting our way out of trouble against really tough defenses.

    It was like, wow. I'd go to all the UTEP and New Mexico State games and there's hardly anyone there. You come up here and it's a totally different atmosphere.

    Dionne is an amazing basketball player, and she hasn't even begun to reach her full potential yet. She proved she is just as good as Sophia Young. I expect her to be an All-American before she graduates.

    We know we messed up there and didn't play well at all. We made a lot of mistakes and didn't focus. This is our chance to fix that.

    It's going to be war out there. We already are really competitive, but this time neither of us can really afford to lose another game.

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