Quotes about abbott (16 Quotes)

    Bradley Williams turned in his resignation. (Town Attorney) Mike Abbott is working on a contract with Sheriff Ronnie Oakes to get deputies to run patrols for us.

    People are going to see both of us and think it's an Abbott and Costello kind of thing. It's not an easy switch. It's not an easy transition from TV to film.

    There are school budgets that are being voted down around New Jersey even though they're efficient budgets, they're good budgets, because people can't see straight regarding property taxes. It has become such a burden that the way education funding has played its way out in the state as a result of the various Abbott decisions that we've got a real crisis on our hands.

    Most people in cardiology would say that more is better. If Abbott does acquire the Guidant business, there's very little overlap. There's probably not a lot of restructuring to come.

    Of Ashleigh Brilliants work 'Endlessly quotable ... they draw one by the charm of their diversity of texture and taste.' Eric Korn, The (London) Times Literary Supplement 'Outstandingly good. I've been a fan for years.' Herb Caen, San Francisco Chronicle 'I really like the things Ashleigh Brilliant thinks of. The only time he makes me mad is when he thinks of things before I do.' Charles M. Schulz, creator of Peanuts. 'Wonderfully inspirational and insane messages.' Professor J. Katz, Dept. of Psychology, John Abbott College, Canada.

    I don't think Boston Scientific could have gotten its offer to 80 a share without Abbott. I don't think they could be there at all without what has in effect become, 'The Bank of Abbott.

    Robert Morris , director of equity with Lord Abbott and Co., likes stocks that have been under selling pressure and are ready for a bounce. What I think is key with Xerox is that we got down here because this company had a near death experience financially, ... I think that with a little profits, with better cash management and some new product announcements, I think this is priced at a level where a relatively few number of points can give you a big percentage gain.

    B. C. Health Minister George Abbott praised the initiative. The province commends the Lois Fish Palliative Society for creating a source of comprehensive information on palliative resources in B. C., ... By January 2006, we are hopeful this resource will link directly with B. C. NurseLine and further enhance the ability of the nurses to provide greater assistance to British Columbians with end-of-life care, service providers and organizations in their communities.

    Severn didn't have the right kind of personality for WWE and I don't think they really had any idea what to do with him. Tank Abbott had an amateur background but made his name in UFC brawling. He never learned to work at all and was a victim of Vince Russo 's wackiness in WCW.

    I think Beckett was influenced by those clowns, Buster Keaton, Abbott and Costello ... by that sort of physical comedy. I don't think it was an accident that they had Buster Keaton in his film.

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