Quotes about abusers (15 Quotes)

    Underage and pathological drinkers are the alcohol industry's most valuable customers. It is reckless for our society to rely on an industry with such an enormous interest in alcohol consumption by children, teens, alcoholics and alcohol abusers to curb such drinking.

    It's as much drug abuse to take steroids as heroin or cocaine. When most people imagine drug abusers, their thoughts are of street people living in the gutter. Realistically, these people can't afford drugs, but professional athletes and middle and upper class teenagers can.

    I wanted to write something from a child's viewpoint... Five of the characters I have played in movies have either been abused or became abusers, themselves, and I just kind of felt like there was a need.

    This legislation removes the unfair barriers that currently hinder the ability of battered immigrants to escape domestic violence safely and prosecute their abusers.

    It is the role of good journalism to take on powerful abusers, and when powerful abusers are taken on, there's always a bad reaction. So we see that controversy, and we believe that is a good thing to engage in.

    Anyone capable of this kind of cruelty poses a serious risk, not just to animals, but to fellow human beings as well. Communities should be concerned when animal abusers are found in their midst. Research in psychology and criminology reveals a consistent pattern of cruelty to animals among perpetrators of violence toward humans.

    The strategy of putting justice on hold for an elusive peace settlement has emboldened human rights abusers on both sides of the conflict. This approach has fueled a pervasive culture of impunity that has led to ever-increasing acts of violence against civilians.

    I am a recovering alcoholic. I work in the field of substance abuse counseling and I see, first- hand, how drugs not only ruin the abuser's lives, but also the lives of children in our communities.

    Those companies get sued for their disreputable conduct, lose in a court of law on the merits of a case, and then try to paint their victims as the abusers. Their conduct is, to put it mildly, egregious, and includes abusing the process of law to bankrupt the people whose property they steal ... and using political influence to try and sway the courts and to definitely sway the patent office.

    We want to continue the efforts against domestic violence and spread the drug courts, and develop real effective means of providing treatment for drug abusers without having to have them arrested.

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