Quotes about acs (16 Quotes)

    It is clear to me that ACS cannot conduct business as usual. We have lost a child we could have saved. We must take a careful look at all of the events over the past few months and make a determination of what is not working.

    ACS customizes SAP solutions with each client's unique profile in mind. That flexibility, along with our commitment to cutting costs, and staying at the leading edge of technological capabilities, is what distinguishes our hosting services as world class. This contract with TICH affirms our position as a leader among SAP solution providers.

    In anticipation of the receipt of RTB proceeds, we elected to reduce our debt by repurchasing a like amount of our high cost senior notes using excess cash on hand. The notes repurchased will reduce ACS' gross cash interest expense by approximately 790,000 per annum, more than offsetting the expected loss of approximately 500,000 in annual dividends we have historically received from our investment in Class C RTB stock.

    One of my goals was to bridge the gap between students and athletes. My dad has been really involved with the ACS I have a couple cancer survivors in my family, and I lost my grandpa to leukemia. I thought starting the relays would be a really bring a cool thing to do and bring students together.

    ACS excels at customizing solutions to help our clients maximize efficiencies and enhance overall service levels. We are dedicated to building strong and enduring partnerships with our clients, and this renewed contract with Triad is an excellent measure of our success in sustaining client satisfaction and achieving positive outcomes.

    If you knew there was neglect in that home and you didn't call ACS, you're just as guilty as he Calderon is. If you knew they were hungry and you didn't go home and cook and bring them food, you're just as guilty as he is.

    It appears that you (Bracken County) may be involved in the American Community Survey, which is part of the Census Bureau's effort to streamline and improve the census, and will replace the long form in 2010 and provide communities a vibrant, moving picture every year instead of once every 10 years. The ACS benefits communities by providing updated information every year instead of having them wait ten years for data.

    This is a major factor in our ability to efficiently and securely deploy SAP across our many remote offices and jobsites. From the beginning, ACS has worked closely with us to make sure our business needs are addressed both now and in the long term.

    Rita has personally been working toward this goal for 15 years and has been making critical career changes to gain the experience so she could become certified and bring this expertise to ACS. We are extremely proud of her achievement.

    This contract is another opportunity to apply and demonstrate ACS' aptitude for innovation. We look forward to creating and implementing customized collection and loan accounting solutions for DT that will provide a solid foundation to support its rapid growth objectives. Our Consumer Finance Solutions team will bring ACS' proprietary technology and best-in-class service and support to DT.

    In selecting ACS, New Hampshire sought our solutions, industry expertise, and national perspective to help them address their technical challenges, Medicaid reforms, and escalating Medicaid costs. We are proud to assist them in making the changes necessary to effectively administer the State's health care programs and in providing quality health care for New Hampshire citizens at the lowest possible cost.

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