Quotes about adjacent (16 Quotes)

    The indigenous nations living near and adjacent to the present-day borders are the first to feel the impacts upon their territory from those who seek to do us harm. Whether the threats are drug-smuggling, which place the health and well-being of our children at risk, or terrorist activities which can cause great harm to the cultural social and economic viability of tribal communities, we will gather to share our thoughts on this important topic and seek solutions.

    The fact that these productive kelp forests are found adjacent to some of the earliest coastal archaeological sites in the Americas really enhances the argument that the first Americans didn't walk here, they floated. In essence, they may have utilized a sort of kelp highway.

    We have, therefore, directed the Irish Army authorities to have field hospitals established in County Donegal adjacent to Derry and at other points along the Border where they may be necessary.

    Hilton is excited to introduce another outstanding property in St. Louis' bustling downtown district. Adjacent to the brand-new Busch Stadium, the hotel offers amenities and services designed to help visitors to the downtown area experience success and renewal during their stay, whether visiting loved ones, going to a baseball game, or attending a meeting.

    We are fortunate to have someone in this role with Jim's unique credentials across both the communications and new media spaces. The mandate of our group is to maximize the opportunities for cross promotion across multiple platforms and distribution windows, as well as across our own business units. And, as a new business unit, it's crucial that we effectively and strategically communicate our messages to the press, our clients, consumers, retailers and adjacent industries. We'll look to Jim to lead our efforts in both of these important areas.

    I am pleased to be able to call on three senior executives who have helped to bring Sky to where it is today and to extend their responsibilities in ways that are closely aligned with our business priorities. With these changes, we will work together more effectively to create greater value for customers, exploit content on multiple platforms and expand into adjacent areas of business.

    No sitting mayor and no sitting council member should adopt an ordinance that provides a competitive advantage to a competing business in an adjacent city.

    This almost certainly means there is swelling. If there was only a small bleed on its own, that wouldn't put the pressure up all that much. Very often you get fluid accumulating in the adjacent brain tissue and that can increase the pressure markedly.

    We can build new housing while preserving the quality and character of adjacent residential districts and ensuring infill development strengthens the surrounding neighborhood.

    Our response will include church members, their neighbors and adjacent communities, ... It will be up to the state coordinator and local pastors to decide on any expansions based on available resources.

    Pick up a pinecone and count the spiral rows of scales. You may find eight spirals winding up to the left and 13 spirals winding up to the right, or 13 left and 21 right spirals, or other pairs of numbers. The striking fact is that these pairs of numbers are adjacent numbers in the famous Fibonacci series 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21... Here, each term is the sum of the previous two terms. The phenomenon is well known and called phyllotaxis. Many are the efforts of biologists to understand why pinecones, sunflowers, and many other plants exhibit this remarkable pattern. Organisms do the strangest things, but all these odd things need not reflect selection or historical accident. Some of the best efforts to understand phyllotaxis appeal to a form of self-organization. Paul Green, at Stanford, has argued persuasively that the Fibonacci series is just what one would expects as the simplest self-repeating pattern that can be generated by the particular growth processes in the growing tips of the tissues that form sunflowers, pinecones, and so forth. Like a snowflake and its sixfold symmetry, the pinecone and its phyllotaxis may be part of order for free.

    This field is part of an active, diversified agricultural operation and ... is irreplaceable. It is part of an historic ranch that has been kept whole by our family for 85 years. The continued operation of our business would be seriously compromised by an adjacent medical complex with its sensitivity to odor, sound and dust.

    A college stadium might be used for football games six days a year, but it is a part of the campus 365 days a year. It affects those adjacent to it, and those who operate through and around it. The stadium should knit itself into the campus community.

    We continue to execute our growth strategy laid out five years ago to enhance our core retail business, extend our business into adjacent areas and expand into new markets.

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