Quotes about adjoining (15 Quotes)

    Touching the matter of the defilement to which the temple courts had been subjected by traffickers acting under priestly license, Farrar gives us the following 'And this was the entrance-court to the Temple of the Most High The court which was a witness that that house should be a House of Prayer for all nations had been degraded into a place which, for foulness, was more like shambles, and for bustling commerce more like a densely crowded bazaar while the lowing of oxen, the bleating of sheep, the Babel of many languages, the huckstering and wrangling, and the clinking of money and of balances (perhaps not always just), might be heard in the adjoining courts, disturbing the chant of the Levites and the prayers of priests'

    Our ability to flow traffic is directly dependent upon what the counties around us do, ... If I don't have cooperation from adjoining counties, it's not going to work. We're just going to all get stuck.

    The future of the Point is up in the air. Gaming groups have expressed an interest in that area, and a number of adjoining land owners have sold their property. There is no firm decision yet.

    Noel Coward and I were in Paris once. Adjoining rooms, of course. One night, I felt mischievous, so I knocked on Noel's door, and he asked, 'Who is it' I lowered my voice and said 'Hotel detective. Have you got a gentleman in your room' He answered, 'Just

    I was out of my bed in one second, trembling with excitement, and I dashed to the door and into the adjoining room, where I could watch the streets below from the windows.

    There are reports of numerous casualties. It appears the freight train hit the vehicle (which had come off a motorway bridge), which then ploughed onto an adjoining line and was in collision with the passenger train.

    I'm always concerned a bit about creative hypocrisy, because it's 49 billion of U.S. money on drugs that is acting as an engine drawing 60 percent of our own cocaine, marijuana, heroin coming through Mexico or adjoining Pacific or Caribbean waters.

    That room was not available, and the only other room had been booked for a Jewish bar mitzvah. I called the father and told him I needed the room and I would pay him to move the bar mitzvah to an adjoining room which was smaller.

    Kauai is home to many wish-list golf venues such as Princeville and Kauai Lagoons, but locals, such as former LPGA pro Mary Bea Porter King, favor Waialua Municipal. Tucked on the eastern coast of Kauai, Waialua winds through groves of coconut, Norfolk pine and ironwood trees, with four holes adjoining Waialua Bay and Waialua Golf Course Beach.

    Its one of the most dangerous buildings we have in the fire district. If the place burns down, I really wouldnt care, but I worry about fire spreading to the riparian corridor and adjoining properties.

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