Quotes about admonished (16 Quotes)

    Having been admonished by this Holy Office the Inquisition entirely to abandon the false opinion that the Sun was the center of the universe and immovable, and that the Earth was not the center of the same and that it moved... I abjure with a since

    What we've learned from the British experience is that if people are admonished to notify authorities of suspicious activity or abandoned parcels, if you then readily have communications systems for them to do that -- telephones that are marked -- and you provide rapid response when reports are made, then in effect you have closed the loop.

    I am admonished in many ways that time is pushing me inexorably along. I am approaching the threshold of age in 1977 I shall be 142. This is no time to be flitting about the earth. I must cease from the activities proper to youth and begin to take on th.

    I was at the vice president's Christmas party. I thought that his speech was spectacular, and I knew that it was a very emotional and difficult thing for him to do, but I admonished him for not waiting just one more stinking day.

    He admonished reporters to refrain from long questions and -- amid concern that he is overreaching on his own powers -- joked that he had signed an executive order to ban them. I sensed kind of a latent indignation in him.

    Paul, using the examples of differing opinions about food and days among the believers in Rome, teaches that Christians should not despise or judge others. He does not advise them to find a happy medium between the contending opinions or to average the two extremes in a compromise. On the contrary, he admonished them that 'every one be fully convinced in his own mind' (Rom. 145), because God is able to make both stand, as both of them are serving the Lord in obedience to their individual convictions of His will.... Each of us has to find personally what is the will of God for his own life, and let all others meet their responsibility to do the same.... For God, by giving different commands to many, and putting them together according to His plan, shall accomplish ultimately His complete will.

    The man against whom you feel anger in your heart Is not to be admonished by mere words. First, subdue him by force, And then use your weapon of words.

    SCEPTER, n. A king's staff of office, the sign and symbol of his authority. It was originally a mace with which the sovereign admonished his jester and vetoed ministerial measures by breaking the bones of their proponents.

    The Lord has said, 'I, the Lord will forgive whom I will forgive, but of you it is required to forgive all men.' (DC 6410) We are further admonished to forgive many times, even seventy times seven. We should stop and ask ourselves if we are prepared to ask the Lord to forgive us of our sins and trespasses only as we forgive our friends and neighbors. How wonderful it would be if we would all forgive and love our neighbors. Then it would be much easier for us to call upon the Lord to forgive us of any of our wrong doings, and as we repent and bring forth fruits meet for repentance, we can expect God's forgiveness and mercy to be extended in our behalf.

    So when they have reached their prescribed time, then retain them with kindness or separate them with kindness, and call to witness two men of justice from among you, and give upright testimony for Allah. With that is admonished he who believes in Allah and the latter day and whoever is careful of (his duty to) Allah, He will make for him an outlet, And give him sustenance from whence he thinks not and whoever trusts in Allah, He is sufficient for him surely Allah attains His purpose Allah indeed has appointed a measure for everything.

    As far as I know, following the tragedies that led to 911, following the mistakes that were made on weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, no one has been fired, no one has been admonished, no one has been demoted. (Former CIA Director) George Tenet fell on his sword, but as far as I know that's about it,

    The father came home, found Anderson in the house with his teenage daughter. (The father) ordered him out of the house, called police and subsequently, Anderson was admonished to stay away from his home and daughter.

    I want the court to realize we wouldn't have gotten this far without the committee. It wasn't until I publicly admonished the Waxahachie council in their own meeting that some of them showed up to our meetings. I've worked over 150 hours on this committee. I didn't do this to get my name on a plaque but I did this to get the county somewhere.

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