Quotes about adopters (16 Quotes)

    These cars aren't being sold in huge numbers to typical customers who drive 12,000 to 15,000 miles a year. They are being sold to early adopters of technology, long-distance commuters and people who want to be seen driving the correct' vehicle.

    Disney has supported the deployment of HDMI since the first version of the specification was issued in 2002. The widespread adoption of HDMI in conjunction with HDCP has played an important role in enabling the transition to digital TV. We congratulate the HDMI community on achieving the important milestone of 300 adopters worldwide.

    As may be expected, we found that CDH (consumer-driven health care) is a dynamic, fast-growing innovation still in its infancy. While early adopters have proven the benefits of the concept, the vast majority of managers have little more than the awareness of the general concepts. We have no doubt that many companies will implement CDH in the coming year, despite the steep learning curve ahead of them.

    With every new technology, you've got innovators trying a product, then early adopters, followed by the majority. It's not that the majority wants hybrids right now. But we're moving from innovators to the early adopters.

    Perhaps critical mass will be reached this year and next Christmas Macs will see Apple computers being the most sought-after presents. Because people tend to do things only when their peers and early adopters have tested the waters, there could be an almighty switch in the works over the next couple of years.

    Comedy Central viewers are by nature early adopters and avid users of advanced communications technologies and they expect to access our content when they want it, where they want it and how they want it, ... Windows XP Media Center Edition will optimize our soon-to-launch broadband channel by providing our users a variety of gateways to access Comedy Central content whether it's short and long form video, audio or text.

    IE 7 Beta 2 Preview is feature complete. It's a developer and technology enthusiast preview release. Up until now, we've been documenting the rendering and technical changes to IE 7, but people haven't had a way to test it against their sites unless they were in the beta program. IE 7 Beta 2 Preview is a safe release for early adopters, or anyone who has a business need to understand where we're going with IE.

    Through the GE Healthcare development partnership with Intermountain, Centricity Enterprise's ongoing development and futures work will benefit from the technical and clinical resources of one of the nation's most respected leaders in clinical outcomes management. However, this new strategic partnership does not diminish the need for ongoing dialogue and collaboration with all our EMR customers. We will also continue to provide customers with numerous opportunities to be early adopters of inpatient and ambulatory product offerings. We look forward to introducing powerful new functionality into GE Centricity, to further expanding collaboration with customers, and to significantly benefiting patient care.

    The popularity of the Sprint Music Store is due largely to its ability to instantly deliver the songs people want when they want them on their Sprint phone, the one device that is likely always with them. This feature, along with the easy-to-use storefront, appeals to a mass audience in addition to tech-savvy early adopters.

    The Common Platform is addressing designers' requirements for faster transitions to 65nm, but with the flexibility and risk reduction of an optimized manufacturing process that is supported by multiple foundries simultaneously. Extending the ARM Advantage products to the IP portfolio that supports our joint 65nm processes helps position the Common Platform as a very compelling choice for early adopters as they design their next-generation, cutting-edge products.

    Early adopters of digital cameras most often printed at home, if they printed at all - there weren't many options yet available or convenient. Now the infrastructure to get digital prints at retail is in place and consumers are adopting this behavior more quickly, ... As the quality, functionality and ease-of-use of camera phones improve, we see users gravitating to the service, quality and cost-effectiveness of the retail destination.

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