Quotes about afl-cio (16 Quotes)

    I think it's possible this whole debate started with the Change To Win unions when they left and caused the AFL-CIO to discuss what to do. But it's not just about numbers. It was about coming up with a new strategy. You have some people saying it's silly to leave any union out and you need to build the labor movement one city at a time.

    Our efforts to make real changes at the AFL-CIO have ended, but our board vote today was done with no ill will towards any member union of the AFL-CIO. UNITE HERE remains committed to working with any union and community organization at local, state, national and international levels.

    It's not these locals' fault that their national unions left the A.F.L.-C.I.O., and it's not working people's fault. They shouldn't have to bear the brunt of a decision by their leadership. Solidarity charters will allow unions to work together and let working people still benefit from a united grass-roots movement.

    By pulling out of the AFL-CIO and proposing to start an organization, Stern and his Teamster ally James Hoffa -- other unions may join them -- are embarking on a laboratory test. Our world has changed, our economy has changed, employers have changed, ... But the AFL-CIO is not willing to make fundamental change.

    We regret to see them leave the federation because there's a lot of history there. It's a union with a proud legacy that got a lot of support from the entire movement, especially the AFL-CIO. I hope we will make history together again in the future.

    I think it shows -- and I'm going to speak very carefully because I'm speaking about some, not all, because clearly there are members in the AFL-CIO who do not see it that way -- but I think it's a further sign that there are some who are becoming attachments of the Democratic National Committee and the liberal wing of the party.

    We must have more union members in this country to fight the political and business forces that are undermining workers in this country. The AFL-CIO has chosen the opposite approach by planning to throw even more money at politicians.

    Washington (AP) - Unite Here, a union of 450,000 workers in the apparel and hospitality industry, is leaving the AFL-CIO to join a group of dissident unions that want the organized labor movement to spend more time and money recruiting new members. It is time for the labor movement to make some changes, ... After two years of internal debate, we have concluded it is the best course for the labor movement for us to join hands with six sister organizations and strike off in a direction of focusing more on organizing.

    This has drawn an attention to the AFL-CIO - for whatever reason that they brought it up. It's definitely pointed a light at the AFL-CIO. People are looking at the benefits of union representation. Certainly, it's great press.

    If only AFL-CIO President Sweeney and President Clinton hadn't persuaded the labor movement to throw its support behind Gore last October, when his campaign was floundering.

    The AFL-CIO is a structure that divides workers' strength by allowing each union to organize in any industry, then bargain on its own, even when workers share a common employer.

    That tells us the national AFL-CIO is in a desperate effort to protect its position in Kentucky and has very little regard for the welfare of the majority of people in this state. We fully expected this.

    I think it (the AFL-CIO) will survive as long as it has key unions still in it like Steelworkers and Auto Workers and especially the Communication Workers, ... But it's going to be a loss for the AFL-CIO in terms of income. It's not going to be effective in terms of political activity for quite a while.

    If a business is losing market share, it tends to think about what it can do to reinvigorate its product, make it more attractive, ... Only on the margins has the AFL-CIO done that.

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