Quotes about agile (16 Quotes)

    I think the average Jew is probably sharper intellectually than the average gentile, because for years and years he's had to live by his wits. Consequently, there has evolved a race of Jews who are more agile mentally than the rest of us.

    Businesses today are seeing an increasing need to more rapidly adapt to changing environments. If you need a biz to be agile you need an architecture to be agile, too.

    The lineup they've got out there causes problems, because they're so quick and agile. It's traditional for us to try to find a big body. Now, we've got guys trying to chase a little guard. They're harder to block out.

    There is no room for half-hearted commitment - drivers have to attack from the beginning to the end of every stage and have extremely precise pace notes. A lot of the corners are blind and most are very fast. I've said this before, but the ideal for Finland is a vehicle that handles like a sports car and rides like a limousine. The car needs to be agile, with sharp reactions and precise handling but, on the other hand, it needs soft suspension and lots of wheel travel to get grip.

    At one level, the types of applications enterprises use in 2006 will not seem so different from those used in 1996 or even 1986. We expect the applications markets to continue to grow and be highly active because of the slowly but ever-improving ability of applications to help organizations use technology to be more effective and agile without requiring business users to be even more expert in navigating their way through IT solutions.

    He's probably the best 6-9 kid I've seen around here ever. I've never seen one with the size and ability he has to play the game. You don't find that too often. How many 6-9 kids can handle the ball, shoot it, are very agile and can create for himself and his teammates.

    But those guys are very skilled and very agile. Although the size and strength of some of the people they play against will create a problem for us, I think their skill and quickness and athletic ability will create a problem for some of those teams.

    Thats a tough weight. District 4 is strong there. Its one of the strongest weights in the tournament. Kyle was quick and agile. I was impressed with his speed and his match sense. He had good balance and was mixing it up with good attack off the top.

    Building on Microsoft's agile technology, this group of leading industry partners helps bring our vision for health plans to life. The solutions framework that Microsoft and our partners utilize enables health plans to make more-informed decisions by offering access to real-time information and better collaboration across systems and organizations. Our solutions help drive better business decision-making and better health outcomes.

    What the team has looked to engineer is a sports car with true all-round ability. That means it must be fast, outstandingly agile, and truly exciting to drive. It has to go quickly, stop quickly, and do everything in between in the way a Jaguar should,

    We seek a stronger, more effective organization, true to the ideals of its founders and agile enough to act in the 21st century. It will be a distinct privilege to be an advocate for Americans' values and interests at the U. N. -- and in the words of the U. N. Charter, to help maintain international peace and security.

    In B. C., Dave Dickenson has the ability to make others around him look good. He's not the most agile guy but agile enough. He knows where he's trying to go with the football and only needs a few steps to elude a pass rush.

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