Quotes about all-round (16 Quotes)

    In the coming new year, the Chinese side is ready to work together with the Indian side to take the Year of China-India Friendship as an opportunity to carry forward the traditional friendship between our two countries, strengthen dialogues, exchanges and cooperation in all fields and at all levels, continuously deepen the contents of the bilateral relations, and push forward the China-India Strategic and Cooperative Partnership in an all-round and in-depth way.

    China is ready to work with Vietnam to continue exploration in building socialism and make continuous efforts for new prospects of bilateral all-round friendly relations and cooperation and for a harmonious world of lasting peace and common prosperity,

    We are continuing with our very aggressive ticketing strategy, combining the commitment from ownership to the on-ice success with the added value of all-round quality servicing and excellent entertainment value. Next season's pricing plan continues to offer fans a price and product second to none.

    The relationship between China and Bangladesh has registered all-round development in the three decades with both sides politically trusting each other and economically benefiting each other,

    The all-round liberally educated man, from Palaeolithic times to the time when the earth shall become a cold cinder, will always be the same, namely, the man who follows his standards of truth and beauty, who employs his learning and observation, his reason, his expression, for purposes of production, that is, to add something of his own to the stock of the world's ideas.

    Deepening and enriching the China-Canada all-round partnership serves the fundamental interests of the two countries and two peoples and contributes to prosperity and development in the region and the world at large,

    China has entered a new stage of development in which it will build a well-to-do society in an all-round manner and accelerate the socialist modernization drive.

    I mean one of the things about being alone is that you've no people to define yourself off, I mean, people are like all-round mirrors, because let's face it, we don't often see ourselves all round in a mirror anyway, do we.

    What the team has looked to engineer is a sports car with true all-round ability. That means it must be fast, outstandingly agile, and truly exciting to drive. It has to go quickly, stop quickly, and do everything in between in the way a Jaguar should,

    Let us work together to deepen our all-round co-operation, expand our common interests, and jointly write a new chapter in the China-Canada partnership.

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