Quotes about amicably (16 Quotes)

    We have no legal binding, we basically are trying to work with the parties to see if there's an interest on their part to resolve this amicably. If we feel that the parties are not willing to resolve it, then we're done.

    We have now reached a crossroads in our working relationship and I believe that it is the right time for us to part ways amicably and for me to move back to the UK where I can also enjoy spending more time with my family.

    When I came back to it, we amicably separated from Warner Bros. I just picked up where I left off, trying to write the rest of this record. It took awhile to get out.

    If they allow employees to take vacation time or personal time off, then we're asking them to work with their labor forces as amicably as possible.

    I have greatly enjoyed my collaborations with Howard Shore, whose musical themes made immeasurable contributions to the Lord Of The Rings trilogy. During the last few weeks, Howard and I came to realize that we had differing creative aspirations for the score of KING KONG. Rather than waste time arguing with a friend and trying to unify our points of view, we decided amicably to let another composer score the film. I'm looking forward to working with James Newton Howard, a composer whose work I've long admired, and I thank Howard Shore, whose talent is surpassed only by his graciousness.

    I continue to be a shareholder and a fan of Microsoft, ... But that doesn't change our obligation to defend Network Commerce's rights to its innovative intellectual property. We hope to resolve this legal dispute amicably, perhaps through a licensing arrangement.

    Once the visitor was told rather repetitively that this city was the melting pot never before in history had so many people of such varied languages, customs, colors and culinary habits lived so amicably together. Although New York remains peaceful by most standards, this self-congratulation is now less often heard, since it was discovered some years ago that racial harmony depended unduly on the willingness of the blacks (and latterly the Puerto Ricans) to do for the other races the meanest jobs at the lowest wages and then to return to live by themselves in the worst slums.

    There were aspects of owning a professional sports team that were different from what Global thought. Ultimately, we decided very amicably that it was best to not go forward with this.

    If this bill for the admission of Orleans Territory as a State passes, it is my deliberate opinion that it is virtually a dissolution of the Union that it will free the States from their moral obligation and, as it will be the right of all, so it will be the duty of some, definitely to prepare for a separation, amicably if they can, violently if they must.

    Following mediation, both Alison and Howard, who care for each other very much, have amicably separated, ... They have come to an agreement and settled all of their concerns.

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