Quotes about angus (10 Quotes)

    The CAB brand and Star Ranch Angus Beef have been very successful programs for Tyson, and were excited to add natural product lines to both. Consumer demand for natural beef is increasing and we believe theres an opportunity for us to grow with it. While we have every confidence in our traditional beef products, we also believe in giving our customers a choice.

    Boot Camp is a continued effort to work with universities to provide information to producers at a regional level. It is one of the educational efforts supported by the Angus Foundation.

    We've done a lot of studying of the live footage on video. We do try to do their mannerisms on stage. Our Angus, she's him. She's all over the place.

    Numerous different types of book were proposed. Poetry, novels, memoirs, essays, journals, scientific works. Several historical studies were recommended, including Angus Winchester's Harvest of the Hills, an examination of the pastoral culture of the Border regions during the medieval and early modern periods. It is a book, its advocate wrote, which details the close interrelations between work and place, as well as broadening into the history and archaeology of the landscape ... Collis's experience as a land worker during the second world war on two farms in the south-east and south-west of England. He paints a rich picture of the way in which farms were run in the years prior to the major revolution brought by mechanisation, and introduces memorable characters from amongst the substantial manual labour force even modest-sized farms needed.

    I remember I was so intimidated meeting him. I went into his office, and he had no basketball pictures. It was just all of his prized cattle. He was huge into raising Black Angus cows.

    Angus is one of the most celebrated UK documentary filmmakers of his generation and his wide-ranging work as a director and producer has won him an unrivalled reputation. I am delighted that he has agreed to bring his experience and passion for documentar

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