Quotes about anti-union (8 Quotes)

    The fact is that they Blue Man Group brought in a law firm to fight us on negotiations and the election. Unfortunately, the law firm is very anti-union. And they have a large group of lawyers on their payroll.

    We're trying to monitor this as much as we can. It's always difficult, because we don't know if a big anti-union company is going to buy these stores. We will put pressure on whomever ends up buying them. It's an unfortunate fact in the grocery business that things are in flux.

    It's really tougher to organize today because the laws are a barrier. There are miserable laws we have to use to organize and the political atmosphere is anti-union.

    It is an absolute disgrace that this could happen in this country. Anti-union laws are a green light for greed, a charter for these cowboy capitalists, a licence for bullying and they should go.

    I think it is really unfortunate that the New York University administration has decided to take a page out of the Yale administration's anti-union book, ... It's shocking that in 2000 the NYU administration decided to recognize the democratic decision of their students, and then at the whim of the president of the university, they can take away their contract, take away their grievance procedure.

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