Quotes about anticipating (16 Quotes)

    It takes the focus off what the Supreme Court really does. We don't get questions on what's maybe half of the court's docket on economic disputes. We don't get questions about anticipating future cases--the future in terms of technology and science. Nobody's thinking about them. The intense focus on abortion is distracting.

    Fort Franklin's ability to dig deep, focus and understand our business strategy helped guide our decision for an agency partner. Our companies are like-minded when it comes to our work and potential and we are anticipating a true partnership with fresh, creative and innovative collaboration.

    We did a good job of stepping where we need to step. They run a lot of ball screens and we are supposed to work our defense accordingly. Tonight we did. We did a good job of rotating, anticipating the pass and looking ahead.

    What we're anticipating is a soft landing nationally. The markets will be coming back to their long-term average, which is a 4 percent to 6 percent (annual) appreciation rate.

    When people begin anticipating inflation, it doesn't do you any good anymore, because any benefit of inflation comes from the fact that you do better than you thought you were going to do.

    We're hoping he gets a positive diagnosis from the doctor. He was OK and then went up there and his hand was hurting. We don't have an answer. We're certainly anticipating him being ready for the game at Jacksonville on Wednesday.

    This is actually a very important principle that science is learning about large systems like evolution and that futurists are learning about anticipating human society: just because a future scenario is plausible doesn't mean we can get there from here.

    We were anticipating adding Shareef to our roster. However, during the course of his normal physical examination, some questions arose that gave us cause for concern. After consulting with several noted specialists, we feel that rescinding the trade is our best course of action. We will now look in other directions for ways to improve our team for the upcoming season.

    Terrorist attacks ... normally come in cycles, and it's unfortunate that we are in that cycle again, ... Sometime this month and next month, we are anticipating a major terrorist attack and most likely in Manila.

    A book is sent out into the world, and there is no way of fully anticipating the responses it will elicit. Consider the responses called forth by the Bible, Homer, Shakespeare - let alone contemporary poetry or a modern novel.

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