Quotes about apnea (8 Quotes)

    We had an excellent apnea monitor program, but looking at national and local competitors, we really couldn't compete. We had to look at profit margins and profitability, so we made the decision to divest out of the apnea monitor program.

    This is a frequent problem within marriages that nobody is paying attention to. Couples who struggle with sleep apnea have a high divorce rate. Can we save marriages by treating sleep apnea It's a question we hope to answer.

    Some people, it's just making noise -- it may upset their spouse or the guy next door, but it has very little clinical impact. In other people, it indicates that they're dramatically working to breathe. It indicates they have sleep apnea.

    We found that there's evidence of sleep apnea and high-blood pressure both in younger and older individuals, both in men and women, and both in whites, African-Americans, native Americans and other groups,

    Dr. Bill Noah probably saved my life, for sleep apnea had killed famous football player Reggie White, and I was sleeping with a mask over my face, forcing air down my trachea, and I could not travel between the weight, the need to try to sleep in my recliner and my machine,

    The study very clearly provides a more compelling reason to identify and diagnose those people who do have sleep apnea and treat them early and effectively.

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