Quotes about applauding (16 Quotes)

    This company is very deep in skilled management, so my guess is that this will have little enduring impact, ... But so far, this stock market hasn't been applauding (Prince), and if that's a measure of how he's performed to date, he gets a mixed review.

    I know that some critics will say it's predictable, and it's a cliche, and it's sappy, but listen - it works. I've been to two screenings where people have been crying and spontaneously applauding. That says something.

    The street is applauding General Motors' ability to stand firm with the union, and get the flexibility it needs. In addition, the street has historically overlooked any negative financial impact from a strike.

    Applauding writer-director Audrey Wells for making a film the audience absolutely loves, ... Our exit research gives us 90 percent in the top two boxes. We are heavily skewed female, but there were an amazingly strong number of couples Saturday night.

    It's a classic case of the audience applauding the celebrities for putting themselves in a situation they are not normally in. The key to Dancing with the Stars is, good on 'em for having a go.

    Tonight, I thought we played well for four quarters. We just didn't have enough. Heritage is an unbelievable ball club. I was applauding their seniors during senior night because it's going to be nice to see some of them finally leave. They are some great players.

    I heard a story where some court personnel pulled him aside and said, 'Bill, we don't get it, you lose every case. But your clients are always applauding you.'

    We all join the President in applauding the sacrifices made by our brave men and women in uniform. But we must continue to provide them the tools they need to accomplish the difficult tasks they face.

    I have been poor and money doesn't make any importance to me. I won't let all the money and glory go to my head. Fame came so quickly and early. It is a pressure to maintain it. Well, I've get used to it. I enjoy the applauding and appreciation of my.

    It's wonderful news for us. First and foremost we are applauding the efforts of the USGA and the RA. They studied this for the last three years and came to the conclusion that these things can legitimately speed up play.

    When I make a decision, I'm going to be applauded or rejected by the electorate once every six years. There's an immediate response to any decision that a coach makes, and it's either the booing or applauding of those people in the audience.

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