Quotes about appointees (14 Quotes)

    The Federal Emergency Management Agency, its top ranks filled by political appointees and its budget hit by deep cuts, seemed unable to grasp the magnitude of the disaster. On the day after the storm, FEMA director Michael Brown met in Biloxi, Miss., with Gov. Haley Barbour, a former Republican National Committee chairman, and told him not to worry, because FEMA had had lots of hurricane practice in Florida. I don't think you've seen anything like this, ... We're talking nuclear devastation.

    It's an old story that the appointees - once they're on the court - they tend to go their own way. And it's not always the way that the Presidents who appointed them predicted would be the case.

    Women will risk a lifetime of grave complications from faulty breast implants because the Bush administration and their appointees value short-term profits over women's long-term health.

    This administration has continued the robust and vigorous enforcement of civil rights laws, ... These accomplishments could not have been achieved without teamwork between career attorneys and political appointees.

    The idea of 'cronies' has been around for a long time, ... Every president that comes in has a lot of political appointees that they can bring in with them.

    The governor has confidence in his appointees on the Parks and Wildlife board, and he trusts they will make a decision that is in the best interest of the Big Bend area.

    Paul Hoffman had some initial suggestions and prompted us. Paul Hoffman was playing devil's advocate. He was saying, 'Show us, the political appointees who make policy, why do you do things the way you do' It was a starting point. We're a long way from that now. They have drafted a new raw draft.

    The governor has already asked his appointees to various licensing boards for professionals, including doctors, nurses and dentists, to set up arrangements so they can begin to practice their professions in Texas,

    The reality is that we have a history with Gore and have worked with him on many issues. There are people in the Bush camp who don't seem to grasp tech issues, and they have sent out some signals I'm not comfortable with. Gore really understands the essence of the industry, and I think his appointees to key places would reflect that understanding.

    He's one of the most interesting senators of our time. The fact that the right was so concerned about him as head of the Judiciary Committee made many people think he'd be very careful in scrutinizing Bush's appointees. But I guess he has proved unpredictable once again.

    And what does reward virtue? You think the communist commissar rewards virtue? You think a Hitler rewards virtue? You think, excuse me, if you'll pardon me, American presidents reward virtue? Do they choose their appointees on the basis of the virtue of the people appointed or on the basis of their political clout?

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