Quotes about artifacts (15 Quotes)

    These are cultural treasures, ... and they really do not belong to any one person, they belong to a society, a culture, and they should be enjoyed by everyone. ICE's mission is to stop the illicit trade in these artifacts, to track down and return these items and make sure they go back to their rightful owners.

    Perhaps we will learn how small differences in the code of life enabled us -- but not chimpanzees -- to cook souffls, create symphonies, translate our own voyages into maps, build ever more complicated artifacts, and write plays that reflect the social intricacies of our lives,

    CMA established the Country Music Hall of Fame in 1961, and it is truly our format's ultimate honor. We are proud to continue support of the Museum, which not only displays the Hall of Fame plaques, but also showcases and archives unique country music artifacts in addition to providing outstanding educational opportunities about our musical format.

    Boston has many questions to answer. They have to convince me that they were working completely in good faith. Now they have the knowledge that they have acquired stolen artifacts. Are they worried I don't know. Do they want an agreement I don't know. But, they do have a moral obligation to give back the items to the victim, which in this case is Italy.

    Every day is Veterans Day at the Fort Taber Military Museum. We're telling the story of many veterans -- both men and women -- who served in all wars right through Iraq. We have pictures and artifacts brought in by veterans of many wars.

    The artifacts are ... the treasures of Peru's most famous pre-Colombian city. On the other hand, Yale has taken care of these pieces for over 90 years.... They are not the 'bad guys' here. They are a well-meaning scientific organization, not looters.

    Artifacts, whether publications or oil field equipment, are the physical manifestation of dreams, ideas, and great deeds, ... some point to successes, some point to great mistakes.

    But when you see personal artifacts relating to - by genealogy at least - a living human being, it was just more impressive to me than just about anything I've ever read about slavery before.

    The exhibit will focus on Slovaks in church and school, in business, sports, entertainment, politics and the military through photographs and artifacts lent by between 40 and 50 area residents. The exhibit will also address Slovak clubs, fraternal organizations and family life by including items like needlework, quilts, antique wooden ironing boards, sauerkraut cutting boards, poppy seed grinders, political memorabilia, military medals and hand-crocheted tablecloths.

    We often attribute 'understanding' and other cognitive predicates by metaphor and analogy to cars, adding machines, and other artifacts, but nothing is proved by such attributions.

    We're not just looking for archaeological features here. We're not just looking for artifacts. We're really trying to communicate with the way that these people thought and lived,

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