Quotes about atm (16 Quotes)

    It's the price of not doing business with a particular institution. Just as non-account holders bear the costs associated with an ATM network, banks are now assessing non-account holders for in-branch check cashing,

    Consider this: I can go to Antarctica and get cash from an ATM without a glitch, but should I fall ill during my travels, a hospital there could not access my medical records or know what medications I am on.

    Folks can't carry around money in their pocket. They've got to go to an ATM machine, and they've got to pay a few dollars to get their own dollars out of the machine. Who ever thought you'd pay cash to get cash? That's where we've gotten to.

    You're going to pay 1.50 in two ways. You're going to owe 1.50 to the company or the bank that owns the ATM and then your bank is very likely to going charge you a fee. More than likely, it'll be another 1.50.

    You need to analyze your own banking behavior. That means sitting down with your checkbook and figuring out how many times you write a check, go the ATM Are you somebody that keeps no minimum in your account.

    Two individuals quickly jumped out of the passenger side. One pulled the gun out, pointed it at one of the bank employees and demanded the money that he was about to unload into the ATM canister and quickly drove away,

    The growth, I think, is huge, simply by the fact that pretty well everybody out there is in some way a password user of some sort. We use them at a bank kiosk or ATM machine. We use them to log onto so many different applications and operating systems that people just can't keep these secure hard passwords in their heads. They have to make them simple, and they've got to write them down.

    The new building will be smaller than our current bank in Rolla, but we will offer our full range of services at the new location, ... We call it a motorized facility with at least three drive-through lanes and an ATM. But we will also have a lobby for conducting business. Also, our associated insurance business will be included in the new bank.

    When was last time you had to take 100 out of your savings account and you walked into a bank and waited in line for a teller to serve you It's a matter of just going to the ATM and taking care of it, and that's about the way it is with these,

    When ATM machines came out and people were prosecuted for robbing ATM machines, I don't think anybody thought the banks were against technology because they didn't want their ATM machines lifted.

    Conspicuous in their absence from the Best Deals are the largest institutions, with large branch and ATM networks and extensive regional footprints. Not so among the 20 Worst Deals, ... Better-than-average yields and low minimum balance requirements on accounts offered by smaller local or regional thrifts are common trademarks of those making the Best Deals list.

    After we had fielded about 60 to 70 phone calls, we got with the motels to see how they were doing. When we finally got down to the end of the road and we figured we got as far as we could, it was about 6 p. m. on Thursday evening. And we had seen one couple come in and their main problem was that when they left Houston they could only pull 50 cash from the ATM, but we got them lined up with a bank and taken care of.

    Since debit cards can be compromised at illegally modified POS devices and then used to fraudulently withdraw funds from ATMs, it is vital for GASA to monitor crime trends at both POS and ATM terminals. Best practices for POS security are now needed.

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