Quotes about atts (16 Quotes)

    The new ATT represents the coming together of ATT's passion to invent and SBC's drive to deliver. That really was the driver of our idea. These two companies, these two brands have strengths of their own.

    ATT's entry may help to crystallize this whole ASP movement, ... It will accelerate ASPs' ability to get to market quickly and develop differentiated services.

    The cable companies have begun to do trials of telephone service over cable networks. I think this acquisition will speed things up. The combination of ATT's financial muscle and the advent of Internet based telephony will be the two things that will push that along, and I would think you would be seeing Internet telephony over cable systems in the next three years.

    This ad campaign is ATT's chance to explain what the industry is going to look like going forward and what its role will be. By taking the ATT name, the company got a chance to reinvent itself in the marketplace.

    Our pensions trusts are more than adequately funded, and nothing in the merger agreement changes BellSouth's, or after closing of the deal, ATT's obligation to honor existing pensions.

    It's been very difficult accessing ATT's network recently, and it's gotten even worse over the last two weeks. It's not playtime anymore where our employees are going online to check basketball scores. The Internet's needed on a daily basis to search for new fabrics, braidings and sequins from our suppliers.

    To remain an industry leader, our staff must have reliable access to the tools they need to provide the best possible product and service to our customers. ATT's network has proven itself to be very reliable, and by continuing our relationship with ATT as

    Before we can take a position on their offer, we have to make sure that we truly understand it, ... So ATT's management and board will go through Comcast's proposal very carefully to determine whether it is the best way to achieve our goal of creating long-term shareowner value. That could take some time to do thoughtfully.

    The problem with telecom is not only that it's going through the same economic issues as the rest of the market, but that it's also an industry in transition. Five years ago, ATT's primary competitors were MCI and Sprint, and now it's the Bells and cable companies. Investors aren't sure what the industry is going to look like and which horse to put their 2 bet on.

    ATT's basic business is transport, so to the extent that AOL would give them more traffic and to the extent that ATT could limit AOL's involvement with its competitors . . . it's certainly something they need to look at.

    We are once again honored to be acknowledged by Yankee Group as the leader in business portal services. This confirms ATTs ongoing commitment to and investment in providing a superb customer experience. We will continue to leverage technology, enhance the portals robust suite of tools and deliver the best online experience to our customers around the world.

    By highlighting the exceptional performance of ATT's fast-growing wireless operations, we are confident that investors will see the value of this business, ... That unlocked value, which will be reflected in the tracking stock, will provide us with the currency to take advantage of the outstanding growth opportunities available in the wireless industry, including fixed wireless, wireless data and international expansion.

    You have the entire history of the big phone companies trying to avoid orders by regulatory commissions to open their networks to competition. You have the entire history of ATT's efforts to avoid court orders and FCC Federal Communications Commission orders. You have a whole historical thing with the telecommunications industry of exclusive dealing, anticompetitive dealing -- anything they can dream up to screw their competitors.

    ATTs dedication to this program is especially commendable because it not only has contributed to tree-conservation efforts in the short term but also actively engaged consumers in changing their lifestyles in a way that benefits the environment over the long term.

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