Quotes about aurora (16 Quotes)

    In the three years we have been here, I would say it's growing. We're in a community with a lot of the sporting clubs, in Aurora and Sycamore. In probably a 50-mile radius, there are probably 25 to 30 clubs.

    He's banged up. We're taking a much more conservative approach with him this season. He's two weeks into his therapy sessions. Hopefully, he'll be ready to throw two or three innings against East Aurora (Saturday).

    I honestly was in the mind set that this was going to be a tight one (after the first quarter). I'm very surprised at the way the game evolved. It was almost surreal the way we find the guy that should have ball in his hands at the right time, and I don't think they ever really got into anything offensively. I'll give our kids credit, they played hard defensively, and I don't think Aurora shot the ball the way they're capable of tonight.

    He obviously had good coaching at Toledo. Everybody liked him (in high school). He went to a great prep school. That team (2001 Metro Bowl champion St. Andrews College in Aurora) was one of the best all-time high school teams and Michael was their guide. They had a lot of kids go on to U.S. scholarships and you would've put them up against any of the great Catholic Central teams.

    The employees, physicians and all of Aurora leadership are committed to building that medical center, and we are informing the people of that area of that commitment.

    I haven't seen concern in people's eyes that the Aurora is not coming I've seen concern that it will be delayed. They may have to bicker for a few months and get some new bids, but I think it will come together.

    The people who come downtown to go to the repertory theater or the Aurora or Anna's Jazz Club are not doing more than eating in restaurants. Ross is a discount clothing chain, and it's the most visible store in the downtown area right now. We'd like to have more to offer.

    It's amazing, but the Aurora has never done Arthur Miller. They're mostly big casts, but 'The Price' has four actors and seemed right for us. I got Joy Carlin interested in directing, and we took it from there.

    They had a house in Denver and a farm in Aurora. Mom and I had an egg route. When Dad went into law practice, they bought a ranch in Bailey and two in South Park.

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