Quotes about australias (16 Quotes)

    England have played excellent cricket and have met head on the challenges both on and off the field. They have called Australia's bluff during the series, and certainly dominated the last couple of Tests. You have got to look at how England have played. They have played very good cricket. They have put a lot of pressure on (Australia).

    Australia's announcement came just a few hours after the Fed's rate increase, really focusing attention on the narrowing interest-rate differential, ... The Reserve Bank will leave rates on hold for a long time ahead and the U. S. will go again in December. That's a negative for the currency.

    With a large Aboriginal contingent that proves central to the plot, The Proposition certainly takes an axe to some pieties about Australia's past. That was the thing that the indigenous actors were really pleased about, ... To be in a film where they got an opportunity to fight back.

    Australia is basically European and it has made clear to the rest of the world that it is the deputy sheriff for America. Therefore Australia's views would represent not the East, but the views representing the stand of America.

    I've done my time in being broke in Indonesia. Eating Goat soup. Australia's a developed country, you've got a lot of taxes, rents are high and its quite difficult to survive as an artist especially when you are just coming up.

    My point was that the war was intrinsically wrong, and as a result of our participation we haven't improved Australia's security but created a greater danger at home and abroad.

    Providing Adam feels OK then of course we'd want him to race. If not, then we have been given permission to use A1 Team Australia's second driver Christian Jones as a possible replacement.

    I didn't see how it could work because we have a price-sensitive market and price dominates on sectors of an hour. People just aren't that fussed about comfort and Australia's not really that big on prestige and being seen to be travelling business class. If they can save 50 per cent on the fare, they'll save 50 per cent on the fare.

    It's all up in the air at the moment, even the WNBA. There's a lot going on at the moment. Next year is a really tough year for us Australia. We've got to win the gold medal. I love the WNBA. It just depends on what Basketball Australia's restrictions are.

    It's just a thrill to play here, ... As an Australian, this is the biggest event to watch for us and the hardest to get into. You dream of playing this event I guess, because no Australian has ever won it. Greg Norman obviously had so many close calls here. Plus, we get to watch it early in the morning in Australia before we go to work. That might have something to do with it. Plus, you get a green jacket if you win and Australia's colors are green and gold.

    I've been arguing this for months. This is not our war. This is not a war we should be in. Australia's better spending its time negotiating with North Korea.

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