Quotes about authorize (16 Quotes)

    I hereby authorize the Washington Redskins to use any means necessary to wiretap and eavesdrop on any Giants' conversations, meetings, andor game planning sessions. And if they feel compelled to torture an equipment manager or secretary to obtain the necessary information, then they have my blessing.

    No one has signed on to his view that the benefits are illegal. He has been authorized to make that argument in his own name but not on behalf of the City Council or the City of San Diego, ... I would never have voted to authorize him to litigate this illegality issue if the retirement board hadn't brought it up.

    He's in a very tough situation, and that's why I think it's the worst problem for baseball since the Black Sox. Because it's so amorphous and so big and so murky. ... For the first time Selig has the awkward position of having to authorize an investigation where he may be a target. No commissioner has ever been in that position.

    Beijing should authorize a full and impartial investigation into the involvement of local authorities in the blood scandal and hold those responsible accountable.

    Because the president, not the (Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration) could authorize or not authorize cross-border operations from Mexican motor carriers, and because FMCSA has no discretion to prevent the entry of Mexican trucks, its EA did not need to consider the environmental effects arising from the entry,

    If the jury have no right to judge of the justice of a law of the government, they plainly can do nothing to protect the people against the oppressions of the government; for there are no oppressions which the government may not authorize by law.

    I point out that some of the critics today believed, themselves, in 2002 that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. They stated that belief, and they voted to authorize the use of force in Iraq.

    I'd like the focus of the resolution to be on urging the U. N. to take action, setting a deadline, an ultimatum to have the very strong inspections, to force inspections and to authorize member nations to use military force to implement that resolution calling for the very strong inspections and disarmament.

    The city is obligated to continue negotiations with the residents. This is a necessary step. This doesn't authorize or fix the line, it is merely a notice and preliminary step. No action can be taken by staff to take land and begin the project without further action of council.

    Yes, more than 100 Democrats voted to authorize Bush to take the nation to war. Most of them did so in the belief that the president and his administration were truthful in their statements that Saddam Hussein was a gathering menace.

    It's a validation of our position all along that the Legislature had the authority to authorize a plate that favors normal childbirth over the practice of abortion.

    The pink ribbon is an official trademark of the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation, and as such the foundation has the exclusive rights to use the mark in Canada and authorize its use by others. We haven't authorized the use by this coalition who's doing this campaign and it's something we're concerned about and we are investigating.

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