Quotes about avionics (9 Quotes)

    Honeywell Aerospace continues to expand product offerings for the helicopter industry. Our ability to offer customers avionics systems, turbine engines, and aircraft air and power systems, gives us a wide industry capability as a supplier for both helicopter manufacturers and operators.

    An endurance increase of this magnitude means soldiers can keep Hunter aloft much longer, allowing them to gather more intelligence and survey larger areas during a single flight. A flight time exceeding 21 hours, coupled with advanced avionics and sensors, makes the MQ-5B the most advanced unmanned aerial system in the Army's inventory today.

    We will also do another full review of all the vehicle systems, including propulsion, structures, avionics, software and ground support systems. Therefore, I expect that the earliest that launch would occur is late January. Third time's the charm.

    The problem of dealing with conflict on a large, sort of society-wide scale, is a bit analogous to building a complex aircraft. You need a whole lot of different parts. You can't fly an airplane with just a jet engine, you need wings, you needs control surfaces, you need avionics, you need a seat for the pilot, fuel tanks, all sorts of stuff.

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