Quotes about babysitting (10 Quotes)

    I'm amazed it hasn't gone up more than that, ... It's not just babysitting. It's keeping them active and doing things other than occupying their time. They develop their skills.

    It's more along the lines of raising a child: we train the system to a certain range of behaviors that we find most useful. But then we let it go, because we don't want to have to be babysitting it the whole time.

    This enables people to interface with people in town to make suggestions about where to get a job and bartering different skills like fixing a car for babysitting.

    A successful babysitting experience definitely includes having the sitter arrive 30 minutes before you need to go to allow time for instruction, maybe training and transition. I too often assume a sitter remembers my children's routine, location of necessary items and even names.

    I don't want to call it babysitting. I don't like always having to go there. We're professionals, and we're all men. It was just a select few (joking around after the game) but it is a team. I don't like to have to be responsible for the unknown, making sure guys are ready and then having to worry about my own personal that's not what I'm here for. I won't play that role.

    We decided that trust is very important when you are looking for things like babysitting services. People should determine who can see their classified ads. You might decide you only want to share them with your email contacts or other students if you are at a university.

    It's kind of shocking because sometimes things just pop in your head, like, oh this weekend, I have to go to my babysitting class and then I think, oh no I'm not. It's starting to sink in that I'm not going back for a while this time. I mean, the hurricane just changed everything.

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