Quotes about back-to-back (16 Quotes)

    This is back-to-back weeks where our defense is going to have to stand up because the opponent chooses to hit you right in the mouth and run the football. So we're going to have to answer that challenge, and to do so, you're going to have to tackle.

    Falling behind on Garret Anderson, such a great hitter. You attack him the wrong way and you are going to get hurt. After that, I wasn't locating the ball the way I was the first couple of batters and they got back-to-back hits. I got myself in trouble.

    If we hadn't beaten Cal and Arizona back-to-back you could sit and say this team never has demonstrated any ability to compete with guys at the top level programs. But we did.

    I am confident in our ability to swim these routines well, after swimming them back-to-back this weekend. Saturday and Sunday were two hard competition days in a row, so it was a great test of the team's endurance. I was very excited about the improvements the team made this weekend.

    I don't know that our team rivals that, and I certainly don't rival him, but the accomplishment remains the same. We did win two back-to-back and for that I am thankful and very, very proud.

    Back-to-back games kill me, especially when they're hard-fought. So it was good to have a couple of days just to get rested a little bit. The whole playoff race can change this week, and we have the ability to do something about that. These next three games are very important for us.

    We have speculated that attackers would turn their attention to other platforms, and two back-to-back examples of malicious code targeting Macintosh OS X this week illustrates this emerging trend.

    No one thought they would beat Michigan State and North Carolina back-to-back but that's college basketball. They're a very good basketball team. They score inside, they score outside and they can defend.

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