Quotes about ball-handler (13 Quotes)

    From the third quarter on, we just couldn't reach that next level that he went to. (Bishop) went to another level that my kids couldn't go to. With his talent, that speaks for itself. The kid is 6-foot-5, jumps over the moon, is a great ball-handler he has the whole package.

    Hes a guard who can score. Thats basically his game. Hes an exceptional ball-handler and he is really good at scoring off the dribble. Hes a tough, physical kid. He led us in charges taken two years in a row. He wants to guard the top players on the opposing team.

    Chelsea understands the game well but is very hard on herself. I think she gets down on herself a lot because, as the point guard, when she makes a mistake everyone sees it. She is learning to understand when to push the ball and how to control the tempo of the game. She has seen it's not easy being the team's ball-handler.

    They put a lot of pressure on her. She's frequently the target of the opposition because they know that everything goes through her, but she's a great ball-handler and she keeps her composure and runs the show for us.

    She gives us another primary ball-handler and makes us a little tougher to press. She's a very good ball-handler, but a great playmaker. If you're open, you're going to get the ball. Her court vision is phenomenal.

    She's a good ball-handler. She handles pressure. She sees the floor real well and gets the ball to the shooters where they want to get it. I have so much confidence when the ball's in her hands.

    Connor is important to us in every game, but especially against a team like Madras. They press, trap and gamble all over the floor and they're very good at it. Taking your best ball-handler out of the game for most of the first half is not Plan A.

    He's always been able to shoot, been a great shooter, a good ball-handler and just an all-around player. He's definitely gotten better with time. ... He's just matured as a player.

    For a point guard, it's an excellent accomplishment. She has been our leader and our best ball-handler. She also usually guards the other team's best player.

    The girls did a great job defensively. We were a little passive in the first half. We were pressing but it was a little laid back. They only had one ball-handler, and once we started pressuring her they couldn't control the tempo.

    We played one of our best defensive games of the season. We did an excellent job of putting pressure on the ball-handler and on our rotations as well.

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