Quotes about ballistic (16 Quotes)

    China has no intention to assist, in any way, any country in the development of ballistic missiles that can be used to deliver nuclear weapons.

    The same technology that gives a nation the ability to precisely launch rockets powerful enough to carry men into orbit and then bring them back down safely can be applied to the precision firing of intercontinental ballistic missiles,

    He wants to suit up one more time, but we're five days from that. He still can't do anything ballistic. He doesn't do much with us but straight ahead shooting. He can't push off side to side or change direction. I don't see that happening in five days.

    We know that there are unaccounted-for Scud and other ballistic missiles in Iraq. And part of the problem is that, since 1998, there has been no way to even get minimal information about those programs except through intelligence means.

    In addition, the intercontinental ballistic missile force is aging and it's not clear that the nuclear mission is a big priority anymore for the Defense Department or Air Force. They want to acquire new fighters and deep-strike forces that can be used in conventional, not nuclear conflicts.

    Well we had nine top forensic pathologists from across the country, who operated as a panel, who looked at all the ballistic evidence and they came out saying that those bullets did exactly what the Warren Commission said they did.

    The successful shooting of a ballistic missile from underwater was yet another confirmation of the effectiveness of the system of the military administration, and also the reliability of the naval strategic nuclear forces.

    If you really believe the number one priority of our government is the protection of our people, then the idea of being defenseless against an intercontinental ballistic missile or any other type of weapon system that puts us in jeopardy is not acceptable.

    The agreement on pre-notification of ballistic missiles, which has been finalized but yet not signed in New Delhi, does not cover pre-notification of cruise missile tests,

    Iran has a ballistic missile capability of 2000km. We do not intend to attack any country, but if we are attacked we have the capability to give an effective response. Our policy is defensive.

    We would take a little bit of money out of a huge increase in ballistic missile defense and put it in a place where it will do a lot of good, namely, in targeted pay increases to our enlisted personnel, particularly our NCOs and our junior warrant officers.

    The United States was prepared to offer economic and political steps to improve the lives of the North Korean people, provided the North were dramatically to alter its behavior across a range of issues, including its weapons of mass destruction programs, development and export of ballistic missiles, threats to its neighbors, support for terrorism, and the deplorable treatment of the North Korean people.

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