Quotes about bangers (6 Quotes)

    With the team that's coming in here, and the team we have, it should be a March Madness atmosphere. They've got good shooters outside and some good bangers inside, so they're a tough team to match up against.

    We don't have any inside post presence. However you want to look at it, he's a beast in there, so we are going to miss that inside threat. But with Kurt (Thomas) and Brian (Grant), we do have some inside bangers.

    Although many bangers may have taken on a more exotic guise, two in five adults always try to buy British sausages and bacon where possible and so it is unlikely that this old favourite will ever lose it's true Britishness,

    We are so lucky Americans are impressive with what they're willing to give. We get bashed too much. And, so many young people in this country give so much. They're not all gang bangers.

    I am absolutely clear that the scandal of junk food served every day in school canteens must end. So today I can announce that I will ban low-quality reprocessed bangers and burgers high in fat, salt and sugar being served in schools, from next September.

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