Quotes about beazley (3 Quotes)

    And what about Beazley He had two weeks in which to call Greg and never did. The family know the truth that he never had the decency to pick up the phone to give one of his MPs a bit of comfort and security about his political future. It confirms my worst thoughts about him.

    Two or three big, all-embracing ideas, presented confidently, could have won him the 1998 election. But there seemed something within Beazley that shied away from big, all-embracing ideas, or even speaking directly. Appropriately, he began presenting himself as the nice guy - Snugglepot with brains. When the actual election campaign began he could have arisen in a blaze of illumination as the statesman with answers, presenting a big picture of an Australia that had a place in its own future. He went on talking, but the only transformation was that Snugglepot became Cuddlepie.

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