Quotes about behoove (9 Quotes)

    The United States has been the engine of global growth for some time. It would behoove the world if other engines were to develop, but it doesn't look like that's happening. As long as that's the case, U.S. growth will mostly be determined by what happens here.

    I just think it doesn't behoove anyone to target people who've shown a willingness to work together and be cooperative with a cooperative spirit. If anything can kill the effort to work together, it's politics as usual.

    The American people are really kind of tired of this finger-pointing issue and politics all the time, ... I think it would behoove all of us to work together to try to find the answers.

    You have to focus on the one guy. Otherwise, you'd never finish the job and it would wind up costing millions and millions. But you've got facts to go on now, and it would behoove Bonds to cooperate. I think he really has to cooperate if he wants his records to count for anything. Stonewalling won't work.

    It is impossible to win the presidency of the United States without winning Florida and it would behoove the parties to be sure their nominee is palatable in Florida.

    I would say that 90 percent of everyone involved with Martell felt like it would behoove him to go to college initially. But he was given such a great opportunity as the sixth pick, it was hard for him to turn down.

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