Quotes about belarus (16 Quotes)

    Nothing has really changed. Moscow is an hour ahead of us, so under the Soviet Union we would watch the TV broadcast and listen to the ringing of the Kremlin's bells - the New Year in Russia doesn't begin until the Kremlin rings its bells. Then we would wait an hour and have our own celebration in Belarus. Everybody still celebrates like they did then.

    It will be my final Olympics and I am looking forward to it. We have a tough start with the Czech Republic and Canada, but anything is possible. You saw what Belarus did in 2002 (when it beat Sweden). Maybe we can do the same thing.

    The American side deliberately distorts facts related to a visit to Minsk by U. S. and EU representatives. We proceed from the assumption that Belarus and the United States have relations of their own, determined by a whole set of different factors. That's why we suggested separate visits. We hope our American and European partners will demonstrate in deed and not in word their constructive attitude towards cooperation with Belarus.

    Algeria was Russia's traditional arms client in Soviet times, but after the breakup it switched to Ukraine and Belarus mainly, buying Su-27s and MiG-29s. This contract will be Russia's triumphant return to North Africa.

    China and Belarus have been committed to reform, economic development, and democratic construction despite their different social systems, thus the two legislative organs should enhance cooperation in all fields.

    I think it is important, particularly when you're dealing with a country like Belarus where the population does not have access to very much independent information, that we make sure that our messages are as clear and unmistakable as possible, and that when we say that action is being taken because of elections that were less than free and fair, that that is what the population understands has happened.

    We urge all members of the international community to demand that authorities in Belarus respect the rights of their own citizens to express themselves peacefully and to condemn any and all abuses.

    The United States is imposing targeted travel restrictions and is planning financial sanctions against individuals responsible for the recent electoral fraud and human rights abuses in Belarus, including Alexander Lukashenko.

    It highlights our concern about the conduct of the government in Belarus leading up to the election, harassment of civil society and the political opposition, and the failure to seriously investigate the cases of the disappeared.

    If the United States and European Union countries respect the people of Belarus, they should respect their choice. The Republic of Belarus retains the right to take retaliatory measures.

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