Quotes about bellevue (15 Quotes)

    While establishments such as Northwood attracted celebrity-status figures, the Bellevue and Paterson Houses fell on the less expensive end of the spectrum. Lake Hopatcong was the place to be back then, ... It was a place to get meals and a room by the day or the week.

    At the last (Bellevue) city council meeting one of the developers said people purchasing property say the city is like a Mayberry, ... Melbourne is a quaint little town along the river.

    Look, when we played Bellevue Christian the first time we got our doors blown off. I think we might be going the right direction at the right time. It would be great to play our best basketball in the state tournament.

    We moved the ball and ran the offense early. We showed patience but then Bellevue turned the tide back on us with increased intensity. They took away our second-chance shots and really took control. We battled back in the third and rallied when we ran the offense again.

    You can't fire weapons in urban areas. It is an urban area. Certainly there are places in Davidson County that are extensively wooded. There also are large open fields in Davidson County. I would refer to that area in Bellevue at the movie theater as an urban area.

    We intend to treat everyone fairly throughout this process, and our management team looks forward to discussions with its salaried employees and with the union representatives of the hourly work force in Bellevue to assist in the transition.

    I can't say unexpected escalation of prices was in my mind. What I wanted the city to do was explain to themselves and Bellevue citizens what they thought the life-cycle cost of the building and its construction was and the cost to operate and maintain it.

    The two companies effectively took over the fourth floor of the Bellevue Hyatt last weekend, ... We were using five different conference rooms with a negotiation taking place in each room until two or three in the morning each night.

    It's a historic rivalry. When you look at the history of the league, Willard has 24 (boys basketball) championships and Bellevue has 17 and everyone else is in single-digits.

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