Quotes about bernards (9 Quotes)

    That was our game plan going in. We saw on tape their safeties come down low for run support and we just used Bernard's speed with our (pass) protection to get a couple plays down the field.

    Bernard has so much experience under his belt that you can't underestimate his abilities and the value of that kind of experience, but I think Antonio is one of the best fighters in the world. That said, Antonio will have to be ready for the fight because Bernard will take a certain amount of emotion into the fight given that it is his last fight. And when you look at the last two fights and Bernard's feeling that he was treated unfairly by the judges against Taylor, I think it will further motivate him.

    That first game set a tough tone for us. We expected to pull that one out when we were in position to, but St. Bernard's is a very disciplined team and they play well together. They never wavered and you have to give kudos to them.

    People protested to help those who were really in need. The longer we were exposed to the travesty of the lower 9th ward residence, the longer we wanted to stay and help them rather than attend to those in the upper St. Bernard's Parish community.

    We turned a corner today. Our two losses were against very good teams, Narragansett and St. Bernard's. It was two tough games in a row and I think it kind of got the girls down a little bit. But today we had solid teamwork, a lot of good passing and a lot of good teamwork. They're really pumped up now and you could see it in the scoring, which was really spread around.

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