Quotes about bertelsmann (8 Quotes)

    A lot of the American press at the time was saying 'just watch what happens when Bertelsmann tries to buy EMI, that will be a moment of truth that will show the Commission's true colors.' Well, that deal never happened either.

    In short, we're prepared for an IPO. Bertelsmann has developed strongly in the last years and increased its profits considerably. Our divisions hold leading positions in their markets. Bertelsmann is an exciting company with a promising future.

    An obvious focus will be online sales. Bertelsmann is already working with AOL to develop its own online book store. Adding Random House's titles gives it more inventory and more clout. But Olson said it makes sense to not corner the market. If we are successful in starting a major online business, we will service other publishers equally, and not just Random House, ... As to whether we would have a partner, that's the subject of negotiations and discussions which are proceeding at this time.

    This is all about a transition, going from here to there. Now the strategy is to partner so you have big companies like Xerox and Bertelsmann that can get together and make things happen immediately.

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