Quotes about big-play (16 Quotes)

    His timing is impeccable. His stutter-steps, usage of body, work habits -- all of that comprise the great player he is. A guy like that, with that type of explosion and big-play ability, needs to be on the field as much as possible.

    You know you're not going to have all the bases covered, but you have to concentrate on the strengths you have. I've had some good players every year I've been here, big-play kids that allow you to be a little more creative offensively and on special teams. But people tend to find an answer for us defensively, especially power-oriented teams that find where we've tried to stash our weaknesses.

    I don't think anybody could have seen the way Willie has come on, but he stepped in when Jerome and Duce were hurt and took advantage of the opportunity, and we've been able to take advantage of his speed and his big-play ability.

    You've got to attack his weaknesses, put pressure on him and get him rattled. But he's got big-play potential so we have to be careful of that. He's got a strong arm, he can run and he's got some good targets. We've got to keep him off-balance and put it in his hands to beat us. Make them one-dimensional.

    I know that Norcross is very athletic, probably the most athletic team we'll play all season. They have big-play ability at a lot of positions so we're going to have to play exceptionally well.

    Our offense is capable of making big plays. We want everything to be a big play. With players like Stanley, Mike (Martinez) and Alex, we are a big-play offense. We aren't going to grind it out on you.

    There are a lot of things we think Chris Chambers is capable of doing and to have success like this will help his confidence and maybe we'll continue to see some big-play potential there, that we've always thought existed.

    We need our offense to score down inside the 15 or 20. We know we have big-play ability and I'm happy about that - what coach wouldn't be - but I don't want to have to depend on that. I want to be able to grind it out, too.

    I kind of took it to heart when he left offense last year, so I'm glad to have him back. Devin and I have been buddies since we got here. To have him back and the type of big-play ability that he has ... I think it's going to be a fun game to watch because he's going to have the ball in his hands a lot.

    I've learned not to worry about one play. Forget it and move onto the next play. He reminds me that I am a big-play threat. I'm trying to get to his level. He is a real smart, heady player. He has so much ability to begin with.

    Those guys were no better than us, I don't care what anyone says. But they wanted it more than us, no excuse. My biggest thing is, we've got to get a leader on offense. Every team in the top 10, they've got a big-play guy on offense. We've got to find one before it's too late.

    Robert is a reaction guy and as he gets older, he'll have all the other things you need. He has big-play potential. He can do it wrong and still make the play. We don't encourage it, but some people have that ability.

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