Quotes about big-screen (11 Quotes)

    I beheld the trappings of upper-middle-class comfort. The big-screen TV and VCR. The crush of name-brand toys. And outside, the fairly new Lincoln Town Carfor which she was several months behind on payments.

    New television technologies appear ready to take center stage this holiday season, as price declines of 20 percent to 30 percent per annum over the past few years have made flat-panel big-screen prices affordable to upper-middle-class and even middle-class households,

    In order for us to deliver this we have to integrate the big-screen capability, the PC capability, and the Internet experience. This is a combination of hardware and software that delivers a new media experience.

    Adam Dunn got a little sticker shock after renting a big-screen TV to play video games in his Pittsburgh hotel room. The four-day tab came to 884. To rent a TV ... When I saw that bill, I asked for my room key back so I could go to the room and carry out that TV I just bought.

    I watch a lot of sports, and so far that's been what's driven the big-screen phenomenon. It's a status symbol a lot of people get a lot of pleasure being able to show off this enormous piece of hardware.

    When the big-screen TV hit the thousands last year, everybody was paying attention. I dont think intense is the right word, but it had everyones attention. The auction benefits the YMCA, and people can get a top-quality item. Its a win-win situation for everyone.

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