Quotes about blalock (7 Quotes)

    I was talking to Texas third baseman Hank Blalock , and he's in his first Derby, and I told him 'The only thing I can tell you is you got to take pitches,' ... A lot of times, you get it into your thinking that 'I can hit anything.' But you have to get a few good pitches to hit.

    He's an extremely important part of our offense. Batting in the sixth position in the American League, you've got to be able to put up big numbers. We need a guy behind Hank Blalock to knock guys in, and Kevin has the ability to do that.

    Hank was awesome. He made all the plays and got a big hit. It's almost what you expect of Hank Blalock. He's a good player and, with a little confidence, he could take off and do some special things.

    The day after a night game, I thought about giving Blalock a day off, but he came in and said he's ready to go and would like to play. I think also he had some good at-bats last night and wants to build on that.

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